Jacket Refresh Scheme

If you have an older jacket and are interested in trialling my jacket refresh scheme then all the information can be found below. I've painted over 150 jackets in the past 3 years so I'm sure some jackets are now a little grubby (no judgement, I lost mine!!) and I personally think I can do a 'better' job touching up some of these jackets now I've painted so many jackets!

If anything is unclear or you're interested in refreshing your jacket then either drop me an email gina@giflynndesign.com, use the contact form on this page or DM me on IG @giflynndesign 🥰

  • Available for jackets painted at any time, they do not need to be 3 years old.
  • You will be responsible for posting the jacket to me and the cost of return postage. There will be no charge for refreshing the first few jackets I do to see how long the process takes. 
  • Jacket can be machine washed before sending back to me, without worrying about any damage to the portrait (please still do this on a cool wash). 
  • If you want to add a new pet to your existing this would be charged at my painting price dependant on size - for example if you already have an existing pet on the back of your jacket you could add a mini portrait above the pocket on the front.